Hey Ladies, Here Are Some Foods To Help You Deal With Period Cramps And Your Murderous Uterus

By Urfa Bhatti | 9 Feb, 2018

Drown your period cramps in food


Sistas, there will be no judging here. I fully understand giving into the urge of binge eating copious amounts of junk food when you’re on your period. I personally want to stuff my face with chips and salsa until my blood is saturated with sodium and I’m scared I’m falling into a hyperosmolar delirium.

via reddit

That and I want the most decadent chocolate desserts available to mankind- sometimes together with the chips cause my uterus is a raging bitch that wants everything.

It’s bad enough that my uterus is trying to kill me, but as a woman not only do I have to put up with that pain, I need to shut up about it and pretend like nothing in the world is wrong whereas my abdomen is cramped AF and it feels like my intestines are playing a messed up version of Tetris meets Saanp Seri. 

Believe it or not, but certain foods can help those knots in your stomach and lift your mood- SCIENCE! I mean, I want to reach for that chocolate fudge cake or bag of chips just as much as the next girl, but excessive salt and sugar increases bloating. Treating your body right and eating healthier foods will make you feel much better. Here’s a list of food items that have been scientifically proven to help with period cramps and boost mood.


1. Yogurt

Source: cnn.com

Studies suggest that the level of blood Calcium and Vitamin D is significantly lower in women that experience debilitating symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome. Supplementation with Calcium and consumption of foods rich in Calcium and Vitamin D may reduce symptom severity. Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and the probiotics in it help aid digestion. Ladies, you know how haywire your digestion gets on your period? Eat some yogurt! You can thank me later.


2. Leafy Green Vegetables

Via Live in the Now

Similar to yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli are loaded with Calcium. Additionally, they also contain minerals like potassium and magnesium that help with muscle spasms, reduce irritability and lift the mood. Dark green leafy vegetables are also a great source of Vitamin K, which is an anticoagulant that prevents excessive bleeding. If palak was good enough for Popeye, it’s good enough for you!


2. Bananas

Via Jamieoliver.com

Go bananas for bananas when period cramps irritate you. The Potassium in bananas helps soothe muscle cramps- did you know your uterus is also a type of muscle? Additionally, potassium is an essential electrolyte needed to maintain the balance of fluids in the body. It helps regulate blood pressure and reduces bloating.


3. Dates

Source: smithsonian.com

Desi Amiyan will tell you time and time again how great khajoorain are for just about everything in the world. And they’re absolutely right. These bad boys are packed with essential minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. They also contain a plethora of vitamins. Vitamin K, folate and iron help prevent various kinds of anemia that result in reproductively active women who go through menstruation per month.


4. Dark Chocolate

Source: madecasse.com

Loaded with antioxidants and magnesium, dark chocolate paves the path to happiness. Consuming dark chocolate also causes the central nervous system and the pituitary gland to release endorphins- happy hormones that act on opiate receptors and work as the body’s natural painkiller and antidepressants. Endorphins are responsible for the euphoric highs that come from working out or having sex. They are the private narcotic we could all use a boost of. Just remember: the darker the dark chocolate, the more endorphins it releases.


4. Garam doodh with haldi

Source: bluestonelane.com

Now before you turn your nose in disdain hear me out. Even the goras are jumping on the doodh and haldi bandwagon and calling it Golden Latte. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and boosts immunity meanwhile warm milk releases serotonin which relaxes the body. Plus all that milk Calcium helps with cramps.


5. Salmon

Source onceuponachef.com

The high amount of Omega-3  Fatty Acids present in salmon, act as a natural mood booster. If fish isn’t your thing, try supplementing with Omega-3 gel capsules available at all health stores. Keep at ’em even when you aren’t menstruating. They not only boost brain function but help maintain cardiovascular health.


6. Nuts

Via time.com

Like salmon nuts are high in Omega-3 and good fats (HDL). Not only do they satiate hunger they act as mood boosters.


7. Whole Grains

Via blog.bcbsnc.com

Whole grains are loaded with fibre and are an excellent source of Magnesium, Vitamin B and E. They not only ease bowel movements- which is absolutely nuts when you’re on your days, but the Magnesium in them also helps to combat fatigue and depression.


8. Caffeine

Source: Thinkstock

Being a diuretic, the caffeine present in tea and coffee helps combat bloating. This is why pain medication made specifically for menstruation has caffeine listed as one of the main ingredients.


9. Water

Source: livestrong.com

This one’s a no-brainer. Ladies, your period is leaving you dehydrated. Increase your fluid intake! Your skin will thank you.


10. Meat

Source healthguideness.com

Bad news for vegetarians- Vitamin B12 can only be obtained from animal protein. Low levels of B12 can cause pernicious anemia and nervous system damage. During menstruation, Iron and Vitamin B12 are lost so it is vital to compensate by either diet or supplementation. Red meat provides an adequate supply of both, but any source of animal protein would do.

Let us know in the comments below what foods helped you and whether you have a desi todka for dealing with menstrual cramps.


Cover image viaT-Series / Maddock Films

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