Dear Pakistani Men, Here's Everything I'm Sorry You Have To Face In This Country

By Sarah Babar | 12 Mar, 2017

Existing in Pakistan can be very hard, regardless of gender, age, and socioeconomic status. While we keep on harping on the fact that the system is a heavily patriarchal one, this doesn’t stand true for the new age liberal, social media using generation.

Yes, the system is dominated by men. But the new generation is slowly trying to break out of that. Women are a lot more empowered that they were before, they’re voicing their opinions a lot more, they’re getting a lot more recognition; the term feminist is a label that they’re proud of, now.

But somewhere along the way, we started ignoring the men, in our society. What men were doing was just not good enough, but it was always easy to call it objectionable. And if I sit back and reflect on the situation in this country, all I can say is that I’m sorry, dear men:

I’m sorry that women can objectify men blatantly and still be cute about it; they can talk about his behind and his front and it won’t be an issue, but if a guy does the same he’s a horrible person

A guy will be labeled as a womanizer, asshole and even a potential rapist.

Source: Six Sigma Plus

I’m sorry that when women achieve something, regardless of how big or small, it’s worthy of headlines but if a man does the same, it’s not celebrated at all

Women need to be celebrated for the hundreds of years of subjugation at the hands of the patriarchy but so do men. Because while patriarchy may put you guys “in control”, no one really cares to ask you if you really want to be in control or if you even asked to be in such a position.


I’m also sorry about the fact that women can pick and choose ‘their’ men on the basis of looks, salary, and height but if a man does the same, he’s a misogynist

Your moms have been loathed by countless young girls for looking at all the requirements in a potential bahu that you asked her for but it’s totally cool for a girl to reject you because you don’t have enough hair on your head or if your pimple on the nose creeps her out.

Source: Danish Ali

I’m sorry that women can complain about the fact that they got rejected over their physical attributes, while constantly whining about how all men are short, dark, fat and what not.

But if a man has a certain ideal about who he wants to spend the rest of his life with or even some part of his life with, that becomes an existential issue.

Via: Tumblr

I’m sorry that when women shed a tear or two, it’s completely okay and everyone should tend to their needs, but when a man reveals his emotional side, he’s called sissy, a na-mard, that he needs to man up.

Without realizing that while depression is more common in women, the suicide rate for men is three times higher. Men don’t come out with their issues because they don’t want to be labelled and they keep everything bottled up inside them, and when it comes out, it all comes out at once.


I’m also sorry about the fact that there will be a lot of people coming up and saying that women are extremely oppressed and what I just wrote is a heartless piece of writing, but it’s true but you guys suffer as much as we do.

The men around us suffer a lot more than we know. They don’t say it because they don’t want to be viewed as the weaker person around, but that doesn’t mean they’re not suffering. And for that I’m sorry.

Via: Tumblr

Sorry, guys. We feel you.


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